MLK_Our Lives Begin to EndThis blog is about my and my family’s traverse through the justice system.

If you read this and decide to follow me on this “channel”, I am sure I will say things and tell stories that make you uncomfortable. And that is OK. My family has been uncomfortable enough for all of us as it relates to the real-life experience of “justice” in our country and it is my sincere hope you never have reason to know the inner workings of our system like I do. But I believe we need to be uncomfortable about issues related to justice in America – like mass incarceration, wrongful conviction, and the roles race and poverty play in all of it. I will try to relate my experience from the perspective of a woman who watched her mom go through hell at the hands of the people who are here to protect us, but who is now trying to raise a daughter to respect our system. It will be obvious that I don’t know how to navigate those realities some days.

And while I was broken by this experience, and still am in many ways, what I have found in this process is that the cracks are where the good stuff is. That is where empathy and compassion as well as outrage and the desire to fight for change live inside of me. I am proud of those imperfections today and if they can be used for good, that’s even better.

I don’t know where all of this leads just yet but I am on one hell of a journey. Thanks for reading. More next week…

With Gratitude and Hope for the Future,


Founder, Ava’s Grace Scholarship Program
Mom – CEO – Justice Warrior

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