One week from today friends and family from across the country (literally) will be descending upon St. Louis to play in our annual golf tournament, the 8th annual Ava’s Grace Scholarship Scramble. When we first started the foundation in March 2010 (inexperienced and mostly clueless and we were) one of the first things we did to raise money was launch this annual tournament. It seemed fitting – my mom used to host an annual golf tournament for the United Way when we still owned the bar and, frankly, a lot of our friends like to golf or day drink or both. Our friend Jake took the lead, found the golf course and off we went.
Little did I know at the time how people would SHOW UP for this tournament and in support of our kids. Keep in mind, there were no kids yet. We didn’t select our first class for two years. They just believed. And they wanted to help. And they wanted to get together. Because in the huge vacuum that was the absence of my mom – as well as the lack of any positive news on her legal case – we needed something to direct our energy toward.
So… we golfed. And people drove in in droves from our hometown and around the Midwest to support this little, crazy idea of mine. And they have kept showing up – for 8 years. And (about to be) 40 kids. They donated printing so we could keep every dollar on sponsorships; donated food; donated their time; proudly wore Ava’s Grace blue – and did it all in rain and shine.
There have been many silver linings in our story. This is one of them. A BIG ONE. It is one of my favorite days of the year EVERY year – a family reunion for a cause.
With Gratitude and Hope for the Future,
Founder, Ava’s Grace Scholarship Program
Mom – CEO – Justice Warrior